Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome Back!

Happy New Year Families!!

The teachers of Marysville schools spent the day learning lots of fun new guided reading strategies for the kids and getting ready for their arrival tomorrow morning!!  I am so excited to see the kids and hope they are all ready to come back, rested and renewed!

Please remind the kids to dress warm - we will go outside unless it's really cold/wet outside.

This week, we will be reviewing school rules and expectations as well as practicing our routines to make sure we can get the most learning done.  Sometimes it can take awhile to get back into the "swing of things".  I'm confident it won't take long.

Homework will be as usual.  Spelling words will be sent home this week and there will be the test on Friday.  We will have our math fact test on Friday and reading will be expected every night.  I know it's hard to get back into it (trust me...I've done nothing, but sit on Pinterest looking at school activities and play with my dogs all break), but I find it's best to start in as we did before break. Thanks for helping the kids get back into their school routines!

I hope you've had a wonderful break with your family and enjoyed the snow (maybe?)

Have a great night!

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