Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Money Exchange Game!

On Tuesday, the kids learned how to play the Money Exchange Game!  They loved this game so much they chose to play it today instead of going to our computer lab time after specials! WOW! :) The kids play with a partner and have game boards for $1 up to $100. They also have a dice and a "bank" of money.  When you roll the die, you add that amount of money to the board.  If you have $5 one's in your bank and you roll a 5, you add $5 to the 5 column, but then you can exchange from the bank your 2, 5's for a $10 bill!  All of them seemed to do really well with this! 

We also had our spelling workshop today and the kids worked on spelling activities within their groups!  Thanks for all your support with this!  Once the check up is done on Friday, I will make new words based on the kids needs for next week!  

Today we drew cards for what Habit 6-Synergizing looks like!  Ask your child what they drew! 

We also have studied Who, What, When, Where and Why and How the past 2 days in stories!  This will tie into our writing for our personal narrative - "My Ouch Story".  Today, before writing, we read Rocket Writes a Story. We began pre writing today by generating Inspiration words, just like Rocket did.

Yesterday, we created a "curious" poster based on Laura Ingalls Wilder - our first Author as a Rock Star!   Our curious poster consists of things we are curious to learn about Laura!  I encouraged the kids to "think outside the box" and boy did they ever!  I was expecting surface questions, but instead the kids were curious to know if Laura wrote stories as a child, what her favorite book was as a little girl and did she illustrate her stories! AMAZING! :) Tomorrow we will start researching together using the SmartBoard our answers to our curious questions. 

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